
This page is for my reviews on books sent to me by

Prayers for New Brides:

Putting on God's Armor After the Wedding Dress 

Jennifer O. White
A new wife is seldom aware of the intense spiritual battle threatening her dreams of happily ever after. Often, she enters the marriage without the benefit of great examples, biblical knowledge, and mentors offering godly wisdom. The battle begins and she is unarmed. Can her faith survive? Will her marriage become another divorce statistic? Prayers for New Brides will empower her to protect her heart and marriage. Within these short chapters she will:
  • Learn biblical truths about marriage, the spiritual battle, and prayer
  • Pray in agreement with God's will for her marriage
  • Activate these truths in her life through study, journaling, and intentional conversations with her husband and other wives.
Marriage is God's design. He has a battle plan, the power and the resources to win. When a wife knows who God is and what He can do, she can trust Him to sustain her and her marriage. Her joy will be complete as she allows Him to enable her to do more for her union than she can imagine.

My review
The Bible tells Christians that they will suffer trials in their lives (1 Peter 1:7, 4:12). Jesus Christ Himself tells us that Christians will have trouble in this world, but we should still be of good cheer because He has overcome the world (John 6:33).
This book was just okay, there were some parts that I didn't agree 100% with the author, her discussion, or the Bible verses she used to support her ideas, but some disagreement is to be expected and it didn't interfere with the parts I did find helpful. Overall, I am not comfortable with the doctrinal errors in Prayers for New Brides. I am also disappointed with Mrs. White's endorsement of Beth Moore's Bible studies and Joyce Meyer's TV programs location as well as books written by Gary Thomas and Mark Batterson. While popular, these modern "Christian" writers do not convey sound, orthodox Christian doctrine. Therefore, I do not recommend Prayers for New Brides for any Christian.
FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from Cross Focused Reviews for this review. The opinion in this review is unbiased and reflects my honest judgment of the product.

about author
Jennifer White writes with fierce honesty to every new bride from her own experience of one failed marriage and one rescued by the Wonderful Counselor.


Discovering Delight
Glenda Mathes

About the Book
Does the concept of loving law sound strange to you like two things that just don t go together? Christians today often don t want to read about law because they would rather revel in gospel and grace. Yet the Bible clearly links law with love, a connection we see in Psalm 119. In these insightful meditations, author Glenda Mathes sheds light on this long psalm that often gets short shrift. A closer look at Psalm 119, in particular, and several other psalms and Old and New Testament passages encourages readers to discover the delight of God s written Word and rejoice in loving His law.

My Review
I love the Psalms, and I really cannot express the importance of studying them. Each devotional section is quite short, so it is easy to complete during the day, but there is a lot of substance which is packed into the small reading. The author also includes a few discussion questions for each chapter, for further reflection.
I really enjoyed this book and would certainly recommend it to others.

James the Just
Dr. David Friedman
With B.D. Friedman

About Book
Yeshua`s Brother & Chief Rabbi of the Messianic Jewish Community James the Just (Ya`Akov HaTzaddik) Presents Applications of Torah By Dr. David Friedman with D.B. Friedman When we view Ya'acov (James) for who he was: a chief rabbi, a Torah scholar, a Bible commentator, and akin to a high court judge, then we can better understand the purpose of his book. One of the main thrusts of Ya'acov's teaching is encouraging the practical application of the Torah's teachings.

My Review
This book reads like 5 essays about James and the book of James that were compiled together. Some material was repeated in the different chapters, and the chapters had different focuses rather than building from one to the next. I could easily follow his overall points, but he jumped around some even within the chapters, which can be somewhat confusing. I am glad that the author admitted when he couldn't prove something rather than trying to pass it off as fact, as too many authors do. I was not able to fully understand some of his sub-points, though, like why he thought a vow automatically meant a Nazarite vow. His argument seemed to be "because some people where practicing this type of vow at that time." This seems rather random as other types of vows were also done at the time.
The author(s) set out to show that James was the chief rabbi of the messianic Jewish community in Jerusalem and what his position meant in terms of what we see recorded in Acts. He then showed how the book of James is likely a collection of James' teachings on certain portions of the Torah. He also explained the Hebrew background that helps clarify what James taught about faith and works.
This is a book for others like my beloved husband…he is DEEP…
 I would recommend this book to those interested in the Jewish background to the New Testament.

Songs of a Suffering King
J.V. Fesko

About Book
Our Lord has wisely given the Psalms, the songbook of the Bible, for the benefit of the church. But for many people, the Psalms contents are mysterious because they no longer have a place of prominence in the church s worship. Author J. V. Fesko hopes to awaken the church to the majesty, beauty, and splendor of the Psalms through a devotional exploration of Psalms 1 8, a grand Christ hymn, in which David, as the suffering king, prefigures the king of kings, Jesus Christ. To encourage readers to come to a greater appreciation for the Psalms, the author includes with each chapter questions for further reflection and study and a metrical version of each psalm. He also recommends Internet resources that provide digital files of the tunes.

My Review
This book exalts our suffering King, the great God and Savior Jesus Christ, and opens up these eight psalms. For me, this book did exactly what the author intended it to do; it has given me a greater appreciation for the entire book of Psalms. At first I was confused but once I got into it I had full understanding. Some might disagree and some might agree with this book about comparing King David and King Jesus. It is a small book and it is about the first 8 Psalms in the Bible and at the end of each chapter there is a conclusion for reflection and study questions. What a joy it is, if you think about it, to actually sing the book of Psalms!!! J. V. got that part correctly…there Is power in songs and music….think about it… At the end of each chapter there is a metrical version of each Psalm, which you can use for personal or family devotions. The author also includes links so you can download the music for each hymn. This book is good for private and group studies or devotional.
I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to learn to sing the Psalms and to draw closer to CHRIST!!!!!!!
I pray God will give you all the wisdom and peace in your life J.V. all the days of your life, in Jesus Name Amen.

About Author
J. V. Fesko graduated from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, UK, with an earned Ph.D. in theology. Dr. Fesko's interests include systematic theology, applied soteriology (union with Christ, justification and sanctification, and the ordo salutis), sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Reformed dogmatics, as well as the integration of biblical and systematic theology. He was the pastor of Geneva Orthodox Presbyterian church from 1998 to 2009. He is now presently the Academic Dean and Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Westminster Seminary California. He is also an ordained minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.

Disclosure: This book was provided by Reformation Heritage Books and Cross Focused Reviews in exchange for my review.


A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ Blog Tour

About the Book
A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ Book Cover A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ 
 Reformation Heritage Books 
 July 13, 2014 

The grace that stimulates the fruit and maturity of a sanctified life comes to us throughJesus Christ. We bear much fruit only as we abide in Him. In A Vine-Ripened Life, author Stanley Gale points us to Jesus, the Vine of life of John 15, in whom we, as branches, must live and grow to bear the fruit of a grace-grown life. He explains, “Having begun in Christ we remain in Christ, continuing to draw our life from Him and maturing in grace.” With pastoral sensitivity and an engaging style, Gale teaches readers both about the fruit of Christian character and how to cultivate it. Questions at the end of each chapter make this an ideal study for individuals or groups.
My Review

Much enjoyed reading this book...It was easy to understand and encouraging to your soul. Stanley shares Scriptures and a short story or testimony, an experience Bless the Lord Oh my Soul and ALL that is within me, Bless His Holy Name. I find praise draws me closer to Him. This is a helpful book and one to share with family and friends. I would highly recommend this book to all those who love the Lord, God and those who do not know Him.
Bless Stanley, Lord Jesus, and in return he will bless You! In Jesus Name Amen.

I received this book from crossfocusedreviews in return of my honest review.


Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the Cross Focused Reviews Blogger Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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